The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima (BBC 1985)

Описание к видео The Strange Case of Yukio Mishima (BBC 1985)

The Controversial Life and Death of one of Japan's Greatest 20th Century Writers.
When Japan's greatest living author decided to take his life in ritual suicide atop the Tokyo headquarters of the Eastern Command of Japan's Self-Defense Forces on November 25, 1970 during a coup attempt that was more ceremonial than actual, both Japanese and foreigners alike were amazed. What was the meaning of it all? This insightful 1985 BBC documentary explores this meaning in detail, with John Hurt reading as the voice of Mishima, revealing his and his generation's education for and admiration of death, his love/hate relationships with people and cultures, his support of the Emperor and the Imperial system and how his whole life lead to a carefully organized and publicized ritual death (Color and Black & White, 55 Min).

On the strange tale of Japan’s infamous novelist Yukio Mishima:


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