These Are The 20 Best Chicken Breeds for Meat

Описание к видео These Are The 20 Best Chicken Breeds for Meat

In this video we decided to take a second and line up the 20 best chicken breeds that you can get for their meat alone.

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The list:

20. New Hampshire Red
19. Kosher King
18. Dorking
17. Croad Langshan
16. Delaware
15. Brown Leghorn
14. Wyandotte
13. Rhode Island Red
12. Australorp Chicken
11. Plymouth Rock
10. Chantecler
9. Freedom Rangers
8. Orpington
7. Bresse
6. Buckeye
5. Turken (Naked Neck)
4. Egyptian Fayoumi
3. White Leghorn
2. Jersey Giant
1. Cornish Cross

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