Convert 150 kg waste to 5 kg wealth | Suvarna Fonseca & Zuleika Antao | TEDxSunshineWorldwideSchool

Описание к видео Convert 150 kg waste to 5 kg wealth | Suvarna Fonseca & Zuleika Antao | TEDxSunshineWorldwideSchool

The speakers, a mother-daughter duo talk about a new method of composting biodegradable waste using a type of insect called the Black Soldier Fly. They elaborate on their composting product design and the advantages their process offers over conventional vermi-composting. She's a Lecturer in Biology and a former principal, Homeopathic physician and an Environmentalist. Her ‘Bioconverter’, a product of her design that converts the state of organic waste, bagged a gold medal at the national level for INSPIRE and she was awarded the President’s Award for innovation. Her motto if ‘Be the change you want to see.'

A recent graduate of high school, she will soon be staring her Bachelors in Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences in Mangalore. In 2015, she participated in a national level science exhibition cum competition called INSPIRE in Delhi. On Children’s Day last year, she was awarded a silver medal by President Pranab Mukherjee. She aims to make the world a better place in her own. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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