The 18 Warrior Arts of the Samurai

Описание к видео The 18 Warrior Arts of the Samurai

Bugei Juhappen, or the 18 Warrior Arts of the Samurai, outlines the essential fighting skills for a complete martial artist.

The episode lists these skills, ranging from spiritual refinement (Seishin Teki Kyoyo) to various weapon-based techniques (Ken-jutsu, Kusarigama-jutsu, etc.) and strategies (Gunryaku Heiho, Tenmon Chimon).

It also includes unarmed combat (Jujutsu/Budô Tai-jutsu) and skills like rope tying (Nawa-jutsu) and hidden weapon techniques (Kakushibuki-jutsu).

The list, while potentially evolving across different eras, provides a fundamental understanding of Samurai training. Ultimately, it details the comprehensive skillset required of a Samurai warrior.


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