realni aikido Srbija, real aikido Serbia

Описание к видео realni aikido Srbija, real aikido Serbia

Real aikido is a martial art of self-defence. Difference betwen traditional and real aikido is in places of aplication. Real aikido can be used in every-day situations that demands physical self-defence and you can do it with tehnic of empty hands (without any weapon to defend your self, only hands) In tradiotional aikido you use sword and stick (you can use stick in regular combat, but sword.... you will have problem with police, big time!). To be a good fighter you need to never underestimate your opponent and to respect him. The more powerfull the opponent, the easier is to disarmed him. Man and women of all ages can train this martial art. The first step is to respect your teacher and your co-fighters. This martial art helps in building self-estem, respect for others, physical contition, balans and teaches you to stay calm in dangerous situations so that you can come out as a winner. The use of force is never to be initiated from the real aikido fighter, you use opponets strenght to defeat him on his ground.


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