Ed Schafer Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture: The 2008 World Food Crisis, the Organic Label, GMO

Описание к видео Ed Schafer Former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture: The 2008 World Food Crisis, the Organic Label, GMO

Ed brings one of the most diverse agriculture perspectives to the podcast to date. He is the former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 2 time governor of North Dakota, and he has led a multi-national consumer products business as well as many entrepreneurial start-ups. Ed played a pivotal role in many of the biggest agriculture events and movements of the 21st century.

This week in Agriculture Adapts:
Tackling the 2008 world food crisis; learnings for a safe & resilient global food system
What it was like to build the USDA organic label and why it may be more “wishy washy” than you’d expect
G.M.O.s are a spectrum, we can’t bunch them all together and rule them out– there is too much potential for good
How silicon valley jumped the gun with ag-tech

References mentioned in the episode
2007-08 world food price crisis
Golden Rice – Vitamin A deficiency in developing countries

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