Best EDrums Beater & Patch? | Evans EQ Patch + Gibraltar Edrums/Cajon Beater

Описание к видео Best EDrums Beater & Patch? | Evans EQ Patch + Gibraltar Edrums/Cajon Beater

[EDRUMS] What is the best Edrums bass drum beater & patch setup for mesh head and for relatively cheap? Sharing my current setup for my edrums kit. I was using the drum tec mesh head patch before which I'm not updating tho this new setup. Btw I did not write down any points or script today I just went on rambling thus going back and forth between topics. 😅 But TLDR I do think this is the best edrums patch and beater combination for the money that is also very accessible to most vs drum-tec parts at least as far as my testing goes.

Evans EQ Patch NEW:
Single ped -
Double pedal -
Gibraltar E-Drums/Cajon Beater -

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