Find out Why this is the Best Cat, Dog, Pet Drinking Water Fountain 😻

Описание к видео Find out Why this is the Best Cat, Dog, Pet Drinking Water Fountain 😻



Watch to the end to see the first reactions by the 3 amigos for one of the best wireless Smart Cat, Dog, Pet Drinking Water Fountains available by Uahpet.

You can expect cats to be a bit unsure of what to think about the water fountain at first but then they love it very quickly.

This pet-drinking water fountain can be used for cats, dogs, ferrets, squirrels, raccoons, and any other pets you may have. It was better than expected overall!

😻Material: BPA-free good quality material.
😻Construction: Excellent fit and finish with attention to detail.
😻Operation: 2 modes include a sensor and timer. Silent pump.
😻Capacity: Large 2-litre reservoir
😻Battery Life: 5000mah battery lasts for many days on end. (Still going strong after a week at the time of making this video)
😻Best Features:
-The wireless portability allows you to put this pet fountain anywhere. An outlet is not required. Most cats prefer their water away from their food instinctually and will drink more that way
-The pump does not sit in the water and remains dry without shock risk to your pet
-You will not be recharging frequently with the long battery life
-Very quiet and will not scare pets
-Sleek modern design
-So easy to clean

😻An update will be posted after a month or so of actual use.

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