How to play and write for the Contrabass Flute

Описание к видео How to play and write for the Contrabass Flute

This video showcases my beautiful Kingma Contrabass Flute and provide's a Composer's Toolkit, designed to fire the imagination of creative writers interested in these new sounds!

The first 2 minutes of the video focuses on the bottom register, demonstrating the colours, dynamics and effects which are so unique to this instrument.

I go on to explore the middle and top registers and then demonstrate a whole raft of extended /contemporary techniques.

CORRECTION: C2 is the lowest note on the Cello, and the Contrabass Flute does go one semitone lower - however, at 1:10 - I've written that the lowest note is B2. So, it is actually B1. I got my B0's B1's and B2's mixed up! Likewise - the highest note I play vin this video is actually C5 - with the highest (usable) note being D5 not D4 - though technically speaking - F5 and F#5 should be possible... Apologies for this mistake!

0:00-1:25 - Bottom Register
1:25-1:47 - Agressive Articulation
1:47-2:10 - Rapid Re-articulation
2:10-2:37 - Middle Register
2:37-3:00 - Top Register
3:00-3:33 - Percussive Groove
3:33-5:27 - Extended/Contemporary Techniques


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