Sam and Andy (Rookie Blue) - "Anymore"

Описание к видео Sam and Andy (Rookie Blue) - "Anymore"

I finally was able to make a McSwarek video again, so hopefully I will be back to making them on a somewhat regular basis. There are a lot of songs I'm saving for S3. This video is from both Sam and Andy's POV. This is the first time I've used 3 clips together, and it surprisingly worked. The part where I did that represents how Andy & Sam are both thinking of the blackout, as the clips are from the cabin & The Penny. As for the 2nd merging of clips, since it's during that first 2x11 kiss when they've finally stopped pretending for good, it represents how they're thinking of the 1st time they "stopped pretending" (the almost kiss in 1x02). I thought this song says so much about them, and I hope you feel the same. Watch in HD, it makes the transitions, etc. look much better.

On a side note, I want to thank everyone for their continual support during this extremely difficult grief process. This video is dedicated to the girls at the McSwarek board who have been my rock and continue to be. I don't know how I'd make it through this without them.

No copyright infringement is intended. This video is for entertainment purposes only.


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