Blackfoot Warriors vs. Montana Fur Trappers : The Poison Bullet Ambush Of 1836

Описание к видео Blackfoot Warriors vs. Montana Fur Trappers : The Poison Bullet Ambush Of 1836

Isaac P. Rose is leading a small hunting party through the wilds of what is now the state of Montana, in the winter of 1836. The group must procure enough meat to bring back to their comrades in a large camp of mountain men on the Yellowstone River.

However, the small party is in great danger, as they are trespassing on lands belonging to the legendary Blackfoot or “Siksika” tribe. Only weeks before, Rose had watched his good friend die, the victim of a poisoned Blackfoot bullet.

After an eerie nightmare shakes his nerves, the trappers are all convinced that they will soon meet the Blackfoot again…And that they might very well suffer the same agonizing fate of the comrade from a weeks earlier.

The Blackfoot, the venerable lords of their territory, have had enough of the repeated incursions into their homelands by these stalwart entrepreneurs. They, too, are in a fight for survival here on the freezing northern plains. They depend on the vast herds of buffalo to sustain them, and anyone who comes into their lands to take their buffalo, must pay with their lives.

Don’t miss this tale of survival and vengeance, here on History At The OK Corral: History Too Real For The Westerns!

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Links To Sources

“Four Years In The Rockies” by James B. Marsh.
“The White Blackfoot” by James Willard Schultz.
“Native American Tribes: The History of The Blackfoot and The Blackfoot Confederacy”.


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