Episode 1: ​Teen "Doctors" in Training

Описание к видео Episode 1: ​Teen "Doctors" in Training

​Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Doctor?


If you’re like many high school students, you may dream of becoming a doctor. You may dream of performing complicated surgeries, or delivering babies or saving lives in the E.R.

But thousands of other high school students share this dream and yet the brutal truth is that only 15% will ever actually put on that white coat and become a doctor.

So how can you know NOW if you’ve got what it takes to make it through more than a decade of school?

How do you know if you’ve got the stomach for it? The dedication? The drive? The focus?

Before you risk decades of your life and hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition, wouldn’t you like to know for sure you’ve got what it takes to succeed?

In this brief 5-part mini-series (each episode is less than 7 minutes), you’re going to experience an incredibly unique, hands-on medical internship exclusively created for high school students which will:

- ​Answer these questions and many more you may have...
- ​Erase any doubts whether you have what it takes to make your dream come true…
​- ​Help you overcome any obstacles you think you may face...
- ​And most importantly, confirm in your own heart and mind that YES! A career in medicine is your destiny...
- ​And that YES you’re absolutely, positively ready to make your dream of being a doctor a success



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