Every time Fluttershy uses The Stare [MLP FiM compilation]

Описание к видео Every time Fluttershy uses The Stare [MLP FiM compilation]

I know this compilation is more boring than my usual ones,but nobody else had done this and “the stare” is iconic so it had to be done.

Episodes in order:

-The Stare Master
-Keep Calm and Flutter On
-Putting Your Hoof Down
-She Talks To Angel

Ignore tags:
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic compilation,My Little Pony compilation,MLP FiM compilation,MLP compilation,Fluttershy compilation,Fluttershy best moments,Fluttershy moments,Fluttershy stare, Cockatrices, Angel Bunny,Discord,Ironwill,Iron Will, Flutterbat, Vampire fruit bat, Fluttershy being assertive


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