What to preach in Israel - 3 dreams from Jesus before my trip to Israel

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So in this dream I was in Israel I was walking around and there was this girl. A girl was walking with her friends and she said to her friends, “Yeah I want to include this on my bucket list.” I don't know what that thing was that she wanted to include on the bucket list. A bucket list, if there are some of you who don't know what a bucket list is, a bucket list is a list of things that a person wants to do before they die, before they 'kick the bucket.' 'Kicking the bucket' is a term used for dying. So she was talking about her bucket list and I walk up to her in the dream and I look at her really seriously and I say, “I hope seeing the God of Israel face to face is on that bucket list.” And she looked at me with slight confusion and I said, “This is the reason God sent me, so I can tell people that they can see the God of Israel and what to do in order to see the God of Israel face to face.” And she said, “Really?” And we just sat down and we started having a conversation about what to do to see the God of Israel face to face. Now I've said this in my other dreams, grabbing my bible real quick, but three different times Jesus came to me a while back, probably five, six years ago. Four, five, six years ago, I don't know exactly, but in a matter of a few weeks He came three times and each time that He came to me He opened up my bible to John 14. And He opened up the bible, I came to Him in a dream I said, “Jesus!” And He said to me, “Hi Alex it's me Jesus of Nazareth, come here.” And I went over there, gave Him a quick hug and He opened up my bible and He said, “Read.”?And I would read, usually up and down John 14. But this particular time I remember He said to me, He goes, “Read this part.” And I was reading verse 15. He said, “If you love me you will obey what I command and I will ask the Father and He will give you another Counselor.” Notice how He says, “Another Counselor.” “To be with you forever, the Spirit of Truth, the world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him because He lives with you and will be in you.” And then He said, “I will not leave you as orphans, I will come to you. Before long the world will not see me anymore, but you will see Me. Because I live you will live. On THAT DAY you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you.” He was stressing “On that day.” And when I read, 'On that day' from this sentence, He asked me to go read that again, 'on that day.' And He said, “Do you know on what day that is?” He said, ”When I said, 'on that day' do you know what day I was referring to?” And I said, “What day Lord?” He said, “Well the verse before. I will come to you. Before long the world won't see me, but you will see me. ON THAT DAY you will realize...” On the day He appears face to face. And then I asked Him, “Is the John 14:21 verse in King James correct? Where it says, “I will manifest myself to you.”? Or is this version correct? It says, “I will show myself to you.” He told me they're both the same thing. They have the same meaning. And I asked Him, “Did you mean invisibly through the Holy Spirit you will show us Yourself, in invisible ways? Or do you mean literally?” And He stepped kind of back He said, “Alex, do you see me?” I said, “Yes.” He said, “This is what I meant. That somebody would literally see me face to face and they would converse with me and have a conversation with me as a friend speaks to his own friend.” So He made it clear to me many times, this happened three different times within a few weeks, same kind of dream. Jesus came, John 14, telling me it's a literal 'seeing Him.' And then He would put His hand on my shoulder, turn me around and I would see hundreds if not thousands of people. And I would be just preaching this message, that Jesus Christ wants to come show Himself to you. So I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that you guys all receive the discipline of Jesus Christ. To be able to focus and pray until He comes to you face to face and speaks to you. Now whether He's gonna put judgement on your sins and He's gonna condemn sin in sinful flesh, God loves YOU, God loves your soul, when I say the words, 'condemns sin in sinful flesh.' I'm talking about the devil who IS the sinful nature, who IS the son of perdition, who DOES live in the human mind and in the human body, who DOES cause people to sin. He is alive, he is living, he is in you. There is no antichrist coming in the flesh, there is no one person coming and saying, “I am Jesus.” But he's gonna end up being the antichrist, that's not happening. That's a lie from the devil, he's deceived the whole world, especially Christians to look forward to a 'man of sin' coming in the flesh. When John said in his epistle that the antichrist is a spirit and that that spirit is already on the earth. There's the antichrist is here and there are many antichrists here and the antichrist is coming. IN PEOPLE!


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