My Powerful Manifestation Method: exactly how to script, visualise and align to your desire

Описание к видео My Powerful Manifestation Method: exactly how to script, visualise and align to your desire

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This video is my most powerful manifestation technique that always gets me to my desires. This video explains in full detail how to actually script, visualise, and feel the emotions of your desire. It teaches you exactly how to sense when your desires are coming in and captures the true essence of the law of attraction, what you give out is what you get back to you. The video consists of nurturing the seed, exactly how to formulate your scripting and visualise simultaneously, and secondly nurturing the seat: how can you quantum jump or reality transurf into a higher more positive vibration so that you can actually receive your desires.

In short, I will cover:
🤔 How do you visualize for successful manifestation?
🌠 What is the most potent manifestation technique that consistently delivers results?
🔮 How can you immerse yourself in the feeling of already having your desires?
📆 How often should you engage in visualization for optimal results?
💭 How do you access and activate the genuine emotions needed for manifestation?

Key words
law of attraction manifestation technique, Manifestation videos law of attraction, Powerful manifestation technique, advanced manifestation technique, what is a manifestation and how to do it, manifestation technique that really works, how to believe in manifestation, what is manifestation and how to do it, how to manifest as a manifesting generator, law of attraction manifestation, manifestation videos law of attraction, manifestation, manifestation techniques, law of attraction, quantum jumping, scripting, manifesting abundance, positive affirmations, quantum realm, shift reality, manifestation meditation, scripting success stories, attracting positive energy, raise vibration, manifest miracles, personal development, manifesting love, manifesting success, manifestation hacks, achieve goals, manifest your dreams, manifesting wealth, manifesting happiness, manifestation tips, law of attraction secrets, cosmic ordering, manifestation rituals, mindset manifestation, intentional living, manifestation mindset, manifesting your best life.

0:00 - Intro
01:06 - Part 1: Planting the seed
11:26 - Part 2: Nurturing the seed


I plan to make many more videos on how to actually practically manifest things into your life, including how to take action or how to actually receive your desire, cultivate self-love, understand your mind, quiet the mind, live in the present moment, embody healthy feminine or masculine energy, create healthy relationships, and so much more… ▶️SUBSCRIBE if you want to know more on CREATING YOUR DESIRED REALITY💫backed by scientific research👩🏽‍💻. HERE TO HELP YOU LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE🤗.

I am a PhD student in Chemical Engineering (University of Cambridge, UK) who also studies the Law of Attraction, Human Psychology, Spirituality, and Quantum Psychics in her free time. These fields are actually all intertwined and on this channel I will show you how these play into manifesting anything you desire. But more importantly: how to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE🔥and CREATE YOUR DESIRED REALITY🌍.

Join me on this journey and become the best version of you🫶🏽


💡Studio Lighting
🔦Tripod (Commissions earned)

- Where am I from? I live in the UK but am half Dutch and half Indian and grew up in the Netherlands
- What have I studied? Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology (BSc, Masters, now doing a PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK)
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