Ketones for Cycling; Is This Just Hype? Part 1

Описание к видео Ketones for Cycling; Is This Just Hype? Part 1

I tried ketones, or what I THOUGHT were ketones, and nothing happened.
Some friends reached out about DeltaG ketones so I've been testing them and WOW what a difference in product. I'll be doing a follow up video to discuss the popular ketones on the market, and what they actually contain: Delta G vs. HVMN vs Ketoneaid etc etc.

We had 5 major questions on Instagram, so before I get more into how amazing these are and the science, let's do Ketones Part 1. Or Ketones 101!

Top 5 Questions:

1. Do you need to consume carbs? You do not need to consume carbs but for performance and recovery it appears to be that taking carbs with your deltaG allows you to utilize both fuel sources more effectively for performance.
2. Does body adapt to taking this over time? The body get slowly better at using deltaG over time.  It does not effect your body's ability to produce its own ketones. So this is just a bit of speculation, but it appears that the body and the brain, when introduced to ketones consistently, become more efficient at utilizing ketones for energy over a long period of time.  This does not mean you won't be able to use ketones effectively on day 1, but it does appear that the body will become even more efficient with consistent use!
3. What does BHB actually do in 1.5-3mmOL period? Give us extra 20% glucose availability ? Why is this the "goldilocks zone"? All of the positive research points in this direction.  There seems to be a lower threshold (1.5 mmol/L) where you body will start shifting substrate utilization.  There is no need to go above 3 mmol/L as those are mostly likely "wasted" ketones and if you get way too high (4+), you could inhibit a bit of glycolysis.  
4. What is an ester? An ester is an oxygen bond.  DeltaG is a "ketone ester" because we bind Beta-Hydroxybutyrate to R-1,3 Butanediol with an oxygen, or ester, bond.
5. Can we call it a food group? Isn't this somewhat crazy, or are we just so new to ketones.  You can definitely call it a food group!  It is actually recognized quite often in the scientific community as a fourth macro nutrient.  There is even a very good book titled "The Fourth Fuel" about the history of ketones.  Ketones, specifically BHB, are a completely separate molecule from glucose and fat, and it is broken down and used as energy by the body.  Now that we are able to eat/drink ketones, it would make sense to call it a "food".    
Bonus. Let's say I have two bottles for a 6h ride. best time to consume? At the start and hour 3, or hour 2 and 4, or differs person to person? Our "gold standard" protocol would suggest you take 1/2 bottle 20 minutes before you start, and another 1/2 bottle every hour with your carbohydrates.  Although you only have two bottles, using this protocol in the beginning of your ride will still yield results!

Substrate metabolism in the normal human body is flexible: our bodies having evolved to utilize different fuel sources depending on their availability (Randle et al., 1963). During exercise, energy expenditure increases dramatically above resting levels, with rapid turnover of mobilized fuels required to keep pace with ATP demand (Spriet and Peters, 1998). Usually, as exercise intensity increases, mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids reaches a ceiling, shifting the burden of energy provision to CHO so that glycolytic supply of pyruvate is the major carbon source for oxidation during heavy exercise (Romijn et al., 1993, van Loon et al., 2001). Despite the stimulation of sustained exercise here, the elevated circulating ketone concentrations significantly decreased human skeletal muscle glycolytic intermediates, including pyruvate. Remarkably, this suppression of glycolysis occurred despite physical workloads that would normally be highly glycolytic

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