Oasis Farms Islamabad Party Vlog & demarcation of plot

Описание к видео Oasis Farms Islamabad Party Vlog & demarcation of plot

#islamabad #parkviewcityislamabad #parkviewcity #parkview #cda #bahriaenclave #bahriaenclaveislamabad #farmhouse

The location of Oasis Farms Islamabad is in the vicinity of Zone IV Islamabad. It is situated in an elegant location in the surrounding of beautiful margalla hills. Oasis Farms is in a location where nature offers excellent facilities.

For Details/investment 0335 0947 236

#islamabad #b17 #cda #b17islamabad #b17multigarden #parkviewcityislamabad #parkviewcity #parkview #b17multigardensislamabad #bahriaenclave #capitalsmartcityislamabad #capitalsmartcity #capitalsmartcityrawalpindi #blueworldcity #blueworldcityislamabad #blueworldcitysitevisit #faisaltownphase2 #faisalhillsislamabad #oasisfarms #farmhousestyle #farmhouse #islamabadhighcourt #islamabadian #lifestyle #bahriaenclaveislamabad #bahriatown #bahria #islamabadvlogs #bahriaenclaveislamabad


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