Revisiting the AFI's Top 100 Movies

Описание к видео Revisiting the AFI's Top 100 Movies

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0:00 - Introduction
7:09 - The AFI Top 100
11:09 - The Film Canon
13:26 - The Canon & The AFI
24:14 - Canon Bad
40:58 - Canon(s) Good

As a teenager, the AFI's Top 100 Movies list played a massive role in shaping my cinephilia. Now as an adult, it's time to look back and consider what the list got right, what it got wrong, and how it plays into the larger project of The Film Canon. Drawing on both personal experience and academic criticism, this video essay examines the AFI Top 100 as a gateway to consider canon writ large.

Artwork by Brooke Spencer


Works Cited:

Music Featured:

Overlook by ann annie
Martian Cowboy by Kevin MacLeod
Traversing by Godmode
The Plan's Working by Cooper Cannell
Marxist Arrow by Twin Musicom
MydNyte by Noir et Blanc Vie
Faultlines by Asher Fulero
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoeven
Setup With An E by Small Colin
Love Him by Loyalty Freak Music
AnaCaptainslogue by Noir et Blanc Vie
Dream Escape by the Tides
Maestro Tlakaelel by Jesse Gallagher
Shine on Harvest Moons by E's Jammy Jams
A Gradual Descent into the Chamber of Darkness by Scott Lawlor
Goat's Skull by Verified Picasso
The Wind by komiku
Escaping Like Indiana Jones by komiku
Facing It by komiku
Hello Michael! by Loyalty Freak Music
Both Flanks by Small Colin
Running Waters by Audionautix
Young and Old Know Love by Puddle of Infinity

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