NEW Marc Jacobs Tote Bag in Dark Cherry.

Описание к видео NEW Marc Jacobs Tote Bag in Dark Cherry.

I’ve had my eyes on this Marc Jacobs Tote Bag in dark cherry for a few weeks now but it’s been hard to find in store. I took a chance an ordered it because I was in love with the color.

Now that it’s finally here, let’s unbox it and see if it will find a permanent spot in my handbag collection.

If you’d like to get your hands on this beautiful bag, here’s to link⬇️

#marcjacobstotebag #darkcherrytotebag
#marcjacobsbagunboxing #thetotebag #marcjacobsbag #marcjacobs #totebags #neimanmarcus #smalltotebag


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