HPS Lighting Option for Cannabis Production

Описание к видео HPS Lighting Option for Cannabis Production

HPS Lighting Option for Cannabis Production

Professor DeBacco

HPS Lights
A sodium-vapor lamp is a gas-discharge lamp that uses sodium in an excited state to produce light at a characteristic wavelength near 589 nm which has a yellow/orange appearance.
High-pressure sodium (HPS) bulbs belong to the high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp family, which means that they produce light by exciting gasses and vaporized metals with electrical current to sufficiently excite them and produce light.
Note: Low Pressure Sodium lamps are commonly seen as street lighting.
HPS lights are commonly used as plant grow lights.

Distance Between an HPS Light and Plants
HPS lights do generate quite a bit of heat, so when using higher wattages the distance between the light and the plants should be increased.
Typical distance for HPS grow lights can be mounted anywhere between 6 to 34 inches away.
When in doubt measure the light intensity with a PAR meter and start with a greater distance and reduce it if no burn/damage is noticed.
You will also need to set up a ventilation system.

HPS Heat
Often when growing with HPS lights growers will likely need a way to reduce the natural heat this light source produces.
Since single commercial reflectors are the most efficient this will often result in growers adjusting their growing environment to either increase air circulation or adding a cooling system.

HPS Replacing Bulb and Reflector
HPS grow lights should be replaced every 5,000 to 10,000 hours of usage.
The light intensity should be checked with a PAR meter
Note that the bulbs and also the reflectors can degrade overtime.
For cannabis production where light intensity should be maximized growers will use the 5,000 hour mark to change their bulbs out.

HPS Reflectors
Commercial all-in-one units are preferred over “build your own” options to maximize production and eliminate potential chance for incompatibilities.
However, even with a quality commercial set-up reflectors should be replaceable and growers are advised to purchase replacements.
To maximize production reflectors should be check and replaced every 2-4 years to maximize their cannabis production.

HPS for the Entire Grow Cycle?
It is possible (but not recommended) to use a HPS light for the entire cannabis grow cycle.
If this is the case early growth plant stretching may be more evident.
To reduce plant stretching growers can…
Select a bulb that produces high blue light
Expose plants to some natural sunlight to fill-in some of the missing blue spectrum

HPS Common Wattages (600 and 1000)
600 Watt
600-Watt HPS grow lights are the most efficient HPS grow lamp.
600W HPS grow lights produce more light output per Watt used than other wattages
Suggested coverage area:
5’ x 5' veg room
4’ x 4' flowering room

1000 Watt
1000-Watt HPS grow lights are the most powerful and cover a wider area
Suggested coverage area:
6’ x 6' veg room
5’ x 5' flowering room
Deciding what wattage will also determine what type of bulb you use.

HPS Single Ended or Double Ended Bulb?
Single Ended Bulb
Recommended to be used with 600 (and lower) wattages
Easy to replace and use considered to be more hobby level
Operate at reduced temperatures so advised for small grow tent settings
Double Ended
Recommended for 1000 watt bulbs to ensure maximum light intensity and associated with commercial settings.
Allow for a greater light intensity and more even distribution of light
Can produce more wavelengths outside of the PAR range (including infrared and UV)

Link to Lecture Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dx4B...

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
HPS for the Entire Grow Cycle?
HPS Common Wattages
HPS Single Ended or Double Ended Bulb

*Due to the description character limit the full work cited for "HPS Lighting Option for Cannabis Production" can be viewed at... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P_W7...


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