Carnaval Lantz 2017 - Lantzeko inauteriak - English subtitles

Описание к видео Carnaval Lantz 2017 - Lantzeko inauteriak - English subtitles

A propos de la vidéo : le carnaval de Lanz est un des plus réputés de la Navarre.
Nous y étions le lundi, jour de l'arrestation du bandit Miel Otxin.
Les personnages sont sortis de la Posada vers 13h30, pour une heure de défilé et danse sur la place du fronton.
Le mardi, c'est son procès et on le brûle le soir.
About the video: The Carnival of Lanz is one of the most famous of Navarre.
The characters left the Posada around 1:30 pm for an hour of parade and dance on the pediment square.
Here the story is about Miel Otxin, a bandit representing the bad spirits.
On Monday, he's arrested and on Tuesday he's burned.
The other characters are: Ziripot, a big man that Zaldiko (the horseman) and the Txatxos (inhabitants of the village wearing some colourful clothes and animals' skins) put on the ground and hit, the arotzaks (blacksmiths who put Zaldiko's horseshoes).



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Specialised in the traditional festivals and culture of the Basque Country and Asia, I'm the founder of the blog Contact me if you are looking for an article for your magazine, photos or HD videos.
I also help to organise your trip in the Basque Country or Asia and can be your guide (even host in France as I own a guesthouse).
As a communication, hospitality, management consultant, I participate in brand ambassador campaigns, organise quality audits and pieces of training and write the review of your services - available for the sustainable tourism oriented businesses.


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