Nintendo Labo - HD Rumble Instrument

Описание к видео Nintendo Labo - HD Rumble Instrument

The Rhythm Rumble Instrument is a versatile HD rumble instrument that uses the Joycons numerous buttons and triggers as inputs that cause the Joycons to rumble at different vibration frequencies that correspond with the frequencies of actual musical notes. The basic notes, A through G, have been set on the Joycon controllers in an intuitive manner for play.

The goal was to make the instrument capable of accommodating any need as well as simple to learn for musicians and those who are not musically inclined. To accomplish this in service of both right and left handed players, the right Joycon by itself can play all notes, and the left Joycon by itself can play all notes (with some variation on how the notes are placed on the left Joycon so as to help create an intuitive control scheme for the use of both Joycons in tandem when playing). Playing using the touch screen is also supported.

If one has a second pair of Joycons, they can be used for the instrument. Once the second pair of Joycons is turned on, the second pair rumble in response to the buttons pressed on the first pair, and vice versa. This serves to increase the versatility of the instrument as one can play with the Labo headphones and Joycons in hand, Labo headphones and the touch screen, touch screen with 4 Joycons in the Ribbon Radio, and numerous other combinations.

The Ribbon Radio boosts the rumble sounds and the Labo headphones make the sound more audible.

Thank you to my girlfriend for helping me out!

After a long hiatus, I return with something more abnormal. Content that different from the usual.....

I suppose now is a better time than any to start broadening the net of the content I'm capable of producing much like the channel description I wrote hinted at oh so long ago. Anyways, for those curious enough to read all the way to the bottom here, the reason for the long hiatus was simply due to a lack of a real computer to edit videos with and a busy life what with graduation, ARMS tournaments, family visits, and other such things. I actually had a couple scripts I had written that I wanted to act upon, but it just didn't work out what with my computer slowing to a crawl.

But now, I have a new computer, how wonderful. I can actually make videos again and whatnot. Probably won't see the next video immediately though, as I'm actually kinda entering another busy period of life and transition with the start of my first year at college. However, it is assured that the next break between videos will not be 7 months. Probably....


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