Backup WeChat Contact List And Chatting History | WeChat Contact Losing | WeChat Message Missing

Описание к видео Backup WeChat Contact List And Chatting History | WeChat Contact Losing | WeChat Message Missing

Every WeChat user MUST to know how to backup WeChat contact list & WeChat chatting history. If you take seriously on WeChat, this video will be very helpful.

Why you need to backup WeChat contact list & chatting history?

1. WeChat could be blocked for no reason.
your WeChat account could be blocked for no reason and you may couldn't log in to WeChat. If you backup WeChat contact and chatting history regularly. It will prevent you lost contact and chatting history.

Some WeChat users are using WeChat for business or work, there are some very important contact list on WeChat. if you haven't backup it before, it will hurt your business or work badly.
For those who just use WeChat for communication, it's also important to backup WeChat contact list incase the people who care you or you cared couldn't find you.

2. WeChat does not store your messages on their server.
WeChat does not store your message on their server, your messages are store on your mobile phone/PC/iPad. So once you reset the phone, uninstall WeChat, or login WeChat on new device, all the chatting history will be gone. So you have to backup chatting history manually and regularly.

3. WeChat supports won't help you anything.
you can't expect WeChat support to help you fix anything, it's extremely hard.

Before you get in trouble with WeChat. You have to backup WeChat contacts and chatting history manually and regularly.


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