Short Film 'Going Postal' I Directed & Written By Jake Cattaway

Описание к видео Short Film 'Going Postal' I Directed & Written By Jake Cattaway

Teddy, a person around their 20's, has nothing going for him in life. He’s
not respected and he is over worked, and after being convinced by the voice in his head, he kills everyone he works with.

Manifesto we followed:
- Thou must only shoot with a 35mm Prime Lens.
- Thou must only use audio recorded on location.
- Thou shall not use scripted dialogue (All Improve).
- Thou must shoot only in the aspect ratio of 1:66.1.
- Thou shall not adhere to the practice of watching the film prior to producing soundtrack.
- Thou shall not follow the standard composition society has placed on us. Time is irrelevant as are intros and ending.

- Violence can only be suggested, not portrayed.
- Use asymmetry to achieve balance

Oblique Strategy:
- Distorting Time

Salamander Productions & Ngawaka Films


Информация по комментариям в разработке