Modified RC Drift Trucks

Описание к видео Modified RC Drift Trucks

I converted my Maverick Quantum R Flux 4S 1/8 4WD race truck to be an off road basher. I also modified my little UDIRC Drift truck to hopefully achieve a top speed exceeding 60 MPH.

These Maverick Quantum R Flux 4S cars are for sale at an absolute bargain price of £179.99 over at:

All you really need to convert one to off-road use is a set of FTX Zorrow front and rear shocks and some off-road wheels and tyres. Plus modify the bodyshell wheel arches. I just trimmed down mine. Then you can quickly put it back to stock should you want to run it as an on-road car again. Or you could just buy the Rally version of this car at £224 and put some on-road wheels and tyres on it. But that would be sensible. In reality I only did this conversion because I already had the truck and wasn't using it.

I got my wheels from this ebay listing:

My RC Parts for sale:

#MaverickRC #DumboRC #UDIRC #RC #RCCar


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