KNOW YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE | 8 Hour Subliminal Session with Relaxing Ocean Waves

Описание к видео KNOW YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE | 8 Hour Subliminal Session with Relaxing Ocean Waves

If you are drifting through life without realizing your full potential or purpose, try this relaxing subliminal affirmations session to help inspire you to discover your passions. When you know your life's purpose, you can more fully contribute to the world and feel more happy and fulfilled within yourself. This 8 hour session features a black screen and is designed to be listened to overnight, but it may be listened to at any time of day.

Listen to the 30 minute music and binaural beats version here:
   • KNOW YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE | Relaxing S...  

Listen to the 30 minute relaxing rain version here:
   • KNOW YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE | Subliminal...  


Most of my content is available for free download (private, personal use only) in mp3 format here:
Donations are always appreciated:


I am happy to create a custom subliminal for you, starting at $25 USD. Please contact me (Rebecca) at [email protected] for further details and terms.


Listen to the track at a comfortable volume, with or without headphones. The subliminal does not need to be played loudly, but it does need to be audible. Avoid listening to other things simultaneously such as TV, music, or any medium where you can hear someone else talking or singing, as this can reduce the effectiveness of the subliminal. Try to put yourself into a positive and relaxed state of mind before listening. Take deep breaths, and keep well hydrated.

Consistency is key. For best results, listen every day, preferably at the same time each day, for a minimum of 2-4 weeks. Once per day is sufficient. Results are highly individual, and some people begin to experience positive changes much sooner than others, but for full and long lasting results, it is recommended that you listen for 4-12 weeks.

Subliminal affirmations can cause drowsiness and inattention. Never listen while driving, operating machinery or engaging in other potentially dangerous activities which require your full attention.

This track is NOT a substitute for proper medical care or advice. It should always be viewed as a supplement to any medical or therapeutic treatment you are already receiving.

As with any complimentary therapy, results are highly individual and therefore cannot be guaranteed or predicted. For best results, listen as directed above.

(both "I" and "You" versions are used)

I am calm and relaxed.
I know myself well.
I am self aware.
My life has a purpose.
I am here for an important reason.
I am becoming more aware of my inner self.
I am connecting to my inner self.
I can tap into my inner thoughts and feelings.
I can access my inner desires and passions.
I am discovering the activities which make me happiest.
I am finding my inner purpose.
I know what truly makes me happy.
I know how I want to spend my life.
I know what I love to do and what makes me gifted.
I am gifted in my own unique way.
I have much to offer the world.
I want to make a difference in the world.
I know how I want to contribute to the world.
I am developing more awareness of my inner strengths.
I know what energizes and excites me.
I embrace my passions in life.
Every day the purpose for my life is becoming clearer to me.
I feel so happy and free as I discover my purpose.
My life is wonderful and is only getting better.
I love my life.


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