Best Titan Sub Implosion Simulation, Cracked Porthole? Q & A

Описание к видео Best Titan Sub Implosion Simulation, Cracked Porthole? Q & A

Jeff Ostroff shows 3 new very well-produced Titan Sub implosion simulations to determine if the passengers in the Oceangate Ttian Sub felt anything when the sub implosion occurred. He also answers Q&A about topics such as the alleged cracked Titan porthole, which is the 21" Acrylic viewport window, which many photos online appear to show cracks in the plexiglass.

What is the weight of the Titan acrylic port-hole window? According to OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, you'll see him in this video stating the viewport window weighs 80 pounds. The
titan implosion simulation videos will help you see how the Oceangate sub imploded.

📺 AlanXelMundo Video of his Titanic Expedition "Mi expedición al TITANIC parte 1/4"
   • Mi expedición al TITANIC parte 1/4 | ...  
📺 Dr. Robert Wagner, "OceanGate: Simulation of Titan Implosion in ABAQUS"
   • Видео  
📺 Dr. Robert Wagner, "OceanGate: Implosion of the Titan due to Acryl Porthole Window Fracture? High-End Simulation"    • Видео  
📺 AzGet Industries: Titan Submersible and how it Imploded... parts of submersible recovered 1600 feet from the Titanic:    • Titan Submersible and how it Imploded...  
📺 KOMO Ch. 4 Seattle The making of Titan: OceanGate's submersible capable of taking people to the Titanic:    • The making of Titan: Oceangate's subm...  

00:00 Introduction to Titan implosion simulation
00:28 Titan implosion simulation of carbon fiber cylinder midsection
01:49 Frame by Frame step through of Titan sub implosion simulation
03:41 2nd Titan Implosion simulation of acrylic porthole viewport window failure
04:15 3rd animated sub implosion simulation
05:30 Alan xElMundo video of Stockton Rush showing acrylic porthole
06:38 Cracked Titan acrylic porthole window?
08:14 OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush shows closeup mechanics of Titan Submersible
09:49 What about cameras and salvaging photos from the Titan Sub implosion?
11:16 KOMO News 4 video of OceanGate Titan sub under construction 2018


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