(मराठी) BHIGWAN - a tale of wolves, flamingos and village people (Marathi / English)

Описание к видео (मराठी) BHIGWAN - a tale of wolves, flamingos and village people (Marathi / English)

मराठी सबटायटल्स - The Ujani dam on the Bhima river had unintentionally given birth to a remarkable ecosystem for birds and mammals in Bhigwan which is unprotected to this date, but thanks to a few individuals like Sandip Nagare and Gaurav Shelar wildlife thrives.
We are exploring the coexistence of village people and wild animals like wolves, foxes and hyenas.
Music licenced from audionetwork.com
Have a look here for a behind the scenes, how this was shot:


00:00 Intro
03:05 Sandip's Story
05:18 Beeater
05:44 Jungle Cat
06:31 Nightjar
07:00 Chamäleon
07:08 The formation of Agnipankh, Flamingos
09:24 Hyenas
11:34 Kingfishers hunting
13:50 Foxes with little cubs
17:07 The Pearl Millet Plantation of Gaurav Shelar
17:39 Interview Gaurav Shelar
18:56 Crested Bunting
19:37 Vernal hanging Parrot
23:33 Shepherds Interview
28:07 Wolf Pack
31:38 Farmers Interview
34:23 Lone Alpha Male Wolf
37:33 Ajit Interview - how to locate mammals?
39:38 Flamingos


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