DEMO: SoundHound for Restaurants - Voice AI-Powered Restaurant Phone Ordering Solution

Описание к видео DEMO: SoundHound for Restaurants - Voice AI-Powered Restaurant Phone Ordering Solution

SoundHound's voice AI-powered restaurant ordering solution gets your employees off the phone and available to perform more important tasks. Every phone call is answered promptly and orders are recorded accurately, reducing customer frustration and operational inefficiencies.

Transform your phone ordering system with a conversational voice assistant that allows your customers to ask for what they want by speaking as they would to another human—even without knowing exactly what items are called or where to find them in a menu.

SoundHound for Restaurants is compatible with popular POS ordering systems and delivers the power of the smartest voice AI technology available.

Using SoundHound for Restaurants, your customers can say things like:

“What flavors of milkshakes do you have?”
“Please swap the coke for a chocolate shake.”
“Remove tomatoes from the burger and add extra onions.”
“Add some onion rings and make it two fries.”
“What’s your most popular pizza?”
“I’ll have a medium of that one with extra pepperoni.”
“Actually, make it a large pizza and take off the olives.”

Using our proprietary Speech-to-Meaning® and Deep Meaning Understanding™ technologies, SoundHound's voice AI platform enables your system to easily understand complex orders, substitutions, and special requests quickly, accurately, and consistently.

Contact us via to learn more about capabilities, timelines, and pricing.


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