Neurofeedback for Kids: Is it safe? A good behavior intervention strategy? Home neurofeedback?

Описание к видео Neurofeedback for Kids: Is it safe? A good behavior intervention strategy? Home neurofeedback?

Psychotherapist and Neurofeedback Trainer Natalie Baker, LMHC explains whether you can do home neurofeedback, the different kinds of neurofeedback, and what can prevent good results.

When parents are exploring neurofeedback for their children common questions they ask me are; "Can they train their children with neurofeedback at home?" and "How many sessions will their child need?" So to answer the first question about whether you can do neurofeedback at home, you need to look at the kind of neurofeedback that you're exploring doing
so. The first generation of neurofeedback called protocol or linear neurofeedback,
which requires a brain mapping or QEEG to be done before training begins,
those systems require people to come in and do the sessions in office.
The next generation of neurofeedback called Dynamical neurofeedback® the NeurOptimal® system
being the one that's on the market today. That system is fully automated and so it is designed
to be used at home and it's very easy to use and have successful sessions in a home settingg.
The next question is "How many sessions will my child need":
The answer is it depends it depends on a number of factors including how many sessions are done, and over what time frame, the lifestyle of the child, and whether or not there are
any underlying health issues. But in general children do very well with NeurOptimal® brain
training because children have so many unassigned neurons. Meaning that their brains are much more ready for change than the adult brain so with NeurOptimal, which is brain training,
we're teaching the brain to function differently specifically teaching the brain to use data
from the present moment to decide what to do next rather than just habitual information.
And so because of that children in general respond very well. And typically children
who train at home over a period of two to three months with multiple sessions per week do very
well with the training. Lifestyle factors that can influence include what their diet is like,
so how much whole foods do they eat versus processed foods and sugars, whether they get
exercise whether they get enough sleep, whether their home environment is safe and less chaotic.
Other factors are health issues so children who have underlying health issues may experience delays in seeing results from the training because those organic issues such as children who have food allergies that may interfere with how quickly the results are seen.

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