Countryballs - History of Old Europe

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Countryballs - History of Old Europe (European Union)
History of Old Europe in Countryballs | From Antiquity to the Napoleonic Era"

Welcome to our channel where we present a fascinating history of Old Europe in the format of fun Countryballs! Today we will take a journey from the origins of European civilization to the age of Napoleon, touching on key events that shaped the face of the continent.

Ancient Greece and Rome
Let's start with the origins - Ancient Greece, where we will see how the small round ball of Greece founded the first democratic polities and then conquered other regions through military might and a desire for conquest. Then the grand balloon of ancient Rome will appear on the scene, absorbing the Mediterranean and spreading its culture, language and laws throughout Europe.

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Middle Ages ##
But nothing lasts forever, and the mighty Roman Empire eventually collapsed under the onslaught of barbarian tribes. We will watch new kingdoms and empires emerge from the ruins of Rome, such as the globes of the Frankish, Byzantine, and Holy Roman Empires. Medieval Europe was a time of crusades, feudal conflicts, and the establishment of the Christian Church.

The Renaissance and Reformation.
Then would come the Renaissance, when creativity, science and art would once again flourish on European soil. We will see the balloons of Italy and other countries spawn an age of great geographical discovery and cultural explosion. But this would soon be followed by the Reformation, a split in the Christian Church that would change the religious landscape of the continent forever.

The Wars of Religion and the Peace of Westphalia ##
Religious controversies would lead to bloody wars between Catholic and Protestant powers. The balls of Spain, France, the Holy Roman Empire, and other countries would clash in violent conflicts until finally the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 established a new balance of power in Europe.

Absolutism and the Enlightenment ##
The era after the Peace of Westphalia would be marked by the spread of absolutist monarchies, with balls of strong countries such as France, Prussia, and Russia consolidating their power. But this period would also be the time of the Enlightenment, when new ideas about human rights, rationalism and freedom would challenge the existing order.

Napoleon and the end of Old Europe ##
Finally, we will come to the age of Napoleon, when the ambitious ball of France under the command of Bonaparte would seek to conquer the entire continent. We will witness the grand victories and crushing defeats of the "Little Corporal" and see the old order of Europe changed forever.

Join us on an exciting journey through the history of Old Europe in a Countryballs format! Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss the next chapters of this story.

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