Mongol Derby August 2022

Описание к видео Mongol Derby August 2022

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

While I may not have technically 'finished' the course (although based on our GPS data, we did in fact do 1000kms thanks to our superior navigation skills haha), I did take on a challenge that I never thought in my wildest dreams I would do. Of course, making the decision to withdraw was not an easy one. We were so close to the finish but in that moment we decided not to risk our lives (as well as our fingers/toes) for glory.

Even coming from Canada, I have never been so cold. When I came into the horse station, the herders needed to physically take off my gloves, helmet and backpack for me as I couldn't feel my hands to unbuckle the straps. Seeing a member of our riding group being treated for hypothermia by medics was humbling and terrifying and with the weather forecasted to stay the same (we still had 2 more legs to do that day and we needed to hustle as we were in the back) and our clothes soaked to the bone with no possibility to buy a herder's raincoat or change into something dry (our spare clothes were still wet from the rain a few days earlier). We decided to be adults...which is never fun. haha

However, I do not need pity or sympathy for missing a few stations because in the end the Mongol Derby is MORE than just the finish line! It is an adventure in testing one's own limits and doubts (both in the lead up during training and the actual race itself); learning new skills whether it be in navigation, horsemanship or equipment selection and packing; meeting incredible people from around the world and hearing their stories; experiencing a culture so filled with history, generosity and simplicity; and riding the most rugged, surefooted and fast horses I have ever had the privilege of knowing.

It was an EPIC adventure! Could I have made better choices to have gone faster? Absolutely! However, I was extremely proud of the decisions I did make and how I behaved in moments of stress (although I will admit there were some I was not). I was so happy to have not received a vet penalty or leave people behind in their time of need whether it was a broken bridle, a slower horse or a runaway steed. I learned A TON, made friends for life and grew so much as a human being and horse person. What a way to celebrate my 30th birthday!!!

From the very bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone for making this adventure possible and for all the love, support and encouragement along the way. I am also incredibly grateful for each and every horse who was a patient teacher along this journey and for all the Mongol Derby crew members/ herders/ families /vets/ medics /translators/etc. who make this insane and logistically complicated adventure happen. Thank you so much also to the 'party bus' at the back of the pack (Carla Rasdall Joyce Bergsma & Shandie Johnson) who made this derby so much fun! It was such an honour to ride with you and drink vodka across the finish line.


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