Classification of parasite/ Types of parasite/ Classes of parasite/ learn within 4 minutes.

Описание к видео Classification of parasite/ Types of parasite/ Classes of parasite/ learn within 4 minutes.

Classes of parasite
1. Ecto-parasite: Lives on the surface of the body of the host.
2. Endo-parasite: Lives inside the body of the host.
3. Temporary parasite: Visits its host for a short period of time.
4. Permanent parasite: Keeps within the parasite for a lifetime.
5. Facultative parasite: Lives a parasitic life when the opportunity rises.
6. Obligatory parasite: Can’t exist without a parasitic life.
7. Occasional/accidental parasite: Attacks an unusual host.
8. Wondering/aberrant parasite: Reaches a place where it can’t live


Difference between pathogen, parasite, parasitoid, predator.

What is a parasite? What type of living organisms are parasites?

Introduction to parasitology, its brief history, and discoveries.



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