The Origins & Development of the Enneagram Symbol

Описание к видео The Origins & Development of the Enneagram Symbol

This is the third video in the series of videos introducing the Enneagram of Cosmic Laws, an online course hosted by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace starting on 7th November this year. The first simply addresses the question, "What is the Enneagram". The second deals with the roots of the cosmic laws in Perennial Wisdom stretching back to at least 3,000 BCE. In this video I focus on the origins of the Enneagram symbol itself, and show how it evolved over time from the its origins in Pythagorean sacred geometry that was picked up by the Desert Fathers in Egypt in the 4th century to the 17th century C.E. In particular I show how the mystical streams of all three Abrahamic Faiths knew about the principles that lie behind the Enneagram.


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