Lightyear Frontier Early Access Review - A Solid Foundation

Описание к видео Lightyear Frontier Early Access Review - A Solid Foundation

Lightyear Frontier offers some relatively carefree farming on an alien planet, with the twist being that players use mechs for most of the planting, harvesting, exploration and resource management. It's currently in early access for PC, with the beginning of the first Act available.

The story seems formulaic (especially when alien artifacts enter the picture), and the characters are decent - not terrible, yet unexceptional. While the gameplay loop can feel a little too samey between regions, as players venture to cleanse them, the progression and gameplay fundamentals are solid and fun to engage with.

Add in a gorgeous presentation and calming music, and there's a solid foundation for Frame Break and Amplifier Studios to build off. How it will ultimately fare, especially with so much still needed, remains to be seen, but it's a relaxing time.


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