Ultimate Bug Out Evacuation Kit - Pelican Case

Описание к видео Ultimate Bug Out Evacuation Kit - Pelican Case

The best Pelican case for a true grab and go kit is a Pelican Hardigg trunk.

You can fine these used on Craigslist, Facebook marketplace, and eBay.

I got these from www.atozcases.com

The reason you need something this big is because it is the only true “grab and go” setup.

It is the only thing large enough for enough food, water, first aid, sleep gear, extra clothes, or your entire go to war kit and arms.

These large trunks are storm proof for areas prone to flooding, rain, tornadoes, or hurricanes.

All of your emergency supplies and gear in one wheeled trunk.

No need to disassemble receivers.

I have a lot of experience with all of the different Pelican and SKB cases because I was able to buy an assortment of used wholesale lots.

This is the first in a series of videos I decided to put together for the ultimate guide to Pelican cases for preppers.


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