My Thoughts after the Canadian Open

Описание к видео My Thoughts after the Canadian Open

It's "Race Week" This series is different from our original videos. These videos will have guests on them frequently and some of Lionel's competitors. We plan to give you a more inside look at what goes on behind the scenes as well as build characters and help you meet other fellow pro athletes while getting you excited for this weekend's race.

Race Coverage will be on the PTO Website
The Men’s Pro race will start at 12:45 local time on Sunday. That corresponds to 19:45 in the UK, 20:45 CET, and 14:45 Eastern. The broadcast is scheduled to begin 15 minutes prior to the race start time.

If you have a question for Lionel you can chat with him directly on his discord server. We also share training tips, early premiers to youtube videos, and much more. Check out the link here.   / discord  

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Don't forget to Subscribe to my Channel to watch my training videos and race recaps.

Follow Lionel on Instagram at
  / lsanderstri

Video by Talbot Cox
  / talbotcox


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