Immigration Attorney Teaneck, NJ | 866-315-0791 | Green Card Lawyer

Описание к видео Immigration Attorney Teaneck, NJ | 866-315-0791 | Green Card Lawyer

Immigration Attorney Teaneck, NJ | 866-315-0791 | Green Card Lawyer

My parents entered this country in about 1975 to find a better life for myself and my brothers. The process was challenging; it was difficult for them. It took them many years to achieve citizenship. I think there are people every day looking to make this country a better place, trying to make a better future for themselves and for their children and for generations to come. Hopefully, I can play a small part in that and allow them access to a very difficult process and assist them in getting to their dreams. A few of the biggest obstacles that people face have to do with their own status regarding criminal convictions in the past, or charges that they currently have that they are currently facing. Their entry into the country is especially important in determining whether or not they're going to be able to obtain their Green Card. The most important thing to do is get help. We can assist them in getting the paperwork, the applications and perhaps their defense prepared to stop the removal from this country and allow them to remain in the country and hopefully move forward to a Green Card status and eventually become a US citizen.

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