কট খাইছে | KOT KHAICH কমেডি শর্টফিল্ম ২০২২ | JAHID ISLAM | RIGAN | ROZI VINTAGE MULTIMEDIA

Описание к видео কট খাইছে | KOT KHAICH কমেডি শর্টফিল্ম ২০২২ | JAHID ISLAM | RIGAN | ROZI VINTAGE MULTIMEDIA

Cast: Jahid Islam, Rigan, Rozi Akter, Anvi, Momin
Direction: Vintage Team
Producer: Riftear Rizvi
DOP: B Somin
Edit & Poster: B Somin
Production Desing: Cinepokaa StudioZ
Technical Support: Creative Media World
Office Staff: Nayon
PDM: Kamrul
Production : Vintage Multimedia
Presents : SPPL Wardrobe
In Association With : Fardin Group
Powered By : Star Pipes & Plastics Ltd.
Sponsored By : Belna Eco Resort
Date: 30-06-2022

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