Greening VET - What does it mean and what does it take?

Описание к видео Greening VET - What does it mean and what does it take?

The green transition has significant job growth potential. To leverage it almost all workers and learners need training or up- and reskilling, so that they can acquire the green transition skills that changing job and task profiles require. Cedefop research highlights occupations and groups of learners, which should take priority in skilling for the green transition. Vocational education and training (VET) is crucial to equip EU workers and learners with the right skills, as well as to support the shift towards ‘greener’ mindsets. But how can VET become ‘greener’ so it can help shape and upscale the green economy? What must change in VET curricula and programmes in practice so that they reflect the skill needs the green transition implies? What practical tools can be used to make VET more aligned to, and supportive of, the skills revolution currently taking place?


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