Caltech Research Opportunities

Описание к видео Caltech Research Opportunities

Like the majority of Techers, Karsyn and Harrison have had the opportunity to participate in Caltech's world-class Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). You can learn more about our undergraduate research opportunities here:

Watch all five student tour videos here:

Design & Production: Caltech Academic Media Technologies
Additional Video: Caltech Undergraduate Admissions Office
Photos: Caltech Office of Marketing and Communications, Caltech Student-Faculty Programs Office, Caltech Undergraduate Admissions Office, Karsyn Bailey, Professor Joseph Kirschvink, LIGO Laboratory, Harrison Miller, NASA/JPL-Caltech
Special thanks to our Caltech student tour guides, Karsyn Bailey and Harrison Miller

Visit The Caltech Undergraduate Admissions Office website

Produced in partnership with Caltech Academic Media Technologies, Caltech Office of Marketing and Communications, and Caltech Undergraduate Admissions.
© 2014 California Institute of Technology


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