How to make this Basic Shrimp Paste

Описание к видео How to make this Basic Shrimp Paste

We are nearing the final recipe. We made the tapioca noodle (Bánh Canh Bột Lọc) and the perfect basic pork broth, and now the shrimp paste. This shrimp paste is another building block to our final recipe on Bánh Canh Bột Lọc Cua. This shrimp paste is a perfect addition to these noodles. We used it to make shrimp balls, but feel free to use it how you prefer, may it be fried shrimp cakes, as a filling in dumplings, or whatever your heart desires.

Hey hey, I’m Niki from Sweet Rehab, thank you for watching my video, please be sure to check out my other recipe tutorials where you’ll find delicious recipes. I hope you enjoy watching!

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Music: Hawaiian Winter by Nicolai Heidlas (  / nicolai-heidlas  )


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