倔强!小柴死活不肯带绳子?看谁杠得过谁!\Stubborn! Shiba refuses to wear a leash ? Let's see who can win in the end.

Описание к видео 倔强!小柴死活不肯带绳子?看谁杠得过谁!\Stubborn! Shiba refuses to wear a leash ? Let's see who can win in the end.

这个小柴犬从小就不愿意戴绳子,每次一拉他走他就惨叫连连,面对这样倔强的小柴犬,我们只能拿出杀手锏了,看谁能把对方耗没脾气了。\This little Shiba refuses to wear leash since puppy time. He screams a lot when we trying to leash him every time. We can only use our consummate skill to control him when facing such a stubborn Shiba. Let’s see who can win in the end.


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