Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough Part 6: Shattered Destiny (FINAL MISSION & ENDING)

Описание к видео Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow Walkthrough Part 6: Shattered Destiny (FINAL MISSION & ENDING)

Soon after destruction of al-Jamil's base in Damascus, Gabe and Lian relocate to the remote command post of US military where Cordell soon arrives, intent on confronting Gabe for his involvement in the previous mission. However, to his shock, Gabe has the soldiers at the post arrest Cordell, revealing that Lian's search of the files recovered in Damascus revealed that Cordell and Bitar were co-operating with Cordell having hired the terrorist leader to get Shen out of China and hand him over to Americans as they wanted to acquire both Shen and X-Z-2 technology before Russians, British or before Chinese could get Shen back. However, situation got out of control as Bitar decided to keep Shen and his technology for himself and use X-Z-2 as a powerful explosive meant to destroy all major oil fields in the Middle East, forcing the western powers out of the region at the cost of plunging it into even deeper poverty and instability. With the documents proving the co-operation between Cordell and Bitar having already been forwarded to Washington D.C., soldiers seize Cordell and drag him away with Cordell telling Gabe that "this isn't over". As Cordell is taken away, Gabe talks to Lian, confronting her about lying to him regarding her decision to help Shen, claiming that her lie compromised and nearly destroyed IPCA with Lian justifying herself by claiming that she did it in order to avert the war which would start over X-Z-2 due to all major governments of the world being intent on weaponizing it rather than using it for energy production and that she doesn't regret her actions. With Bitar still having Shen in his custody and preparing more X-Z-2s for his campaign of destruction, Gabe and Lian set off towards the nearby hydroelectric dam in order to rescue Shen and stop Bitar once and for all. Once there, Gabe decides to enter the dam on his own via spillways while Lian is to stay at the top level and provide distraction to ease his infiltration. However, as Gabe reaches the spillway, Lian disregards her orders to stay put and enters the dam as well. Once within the dam, Gabe proceeds to disable its water turbines in order to disable its power generators, ensuring that Bitar won't be able to create more X-Z-2s. However, his mission grows significantly more complicated as Lian's distraction, which included detonating C4 charges along the dam, severely damaged its structure, causing it to start falling apart and taking on water. Regardless, Gabe proceeds deeper into the dam, quickly finding himself trapped in an room with a power generator and a large crane. In order to pursue Bitar and with no way to open the door leading out of the room, Gabe attaches the generator to the crane in order to use it as a makeshift wrecking ball. However, upon reaching the crane controls, he discovers that they are locked and that Trinidad is being held prisoner in the room. Despite not trusting her due to her affiliation with Chinese Secret Service, Gabe frees her in an exchange for the code needed to start the crane with the code working, but Trinidad escaping. Proceeding forward, Gabe reaches the room with remaining X-Z-2 devices, seeing Bitar as he escapes. As he meets Shen, Gabe intends to head after Bitar immediately as he has taken one of the devices, but Shen persuades him to help him disable the rest of the devices before they leave with two successfully disabling the devices before making their way towards the elevators, catching Bitar as he tries to escape with the remaining device. In the ensuing shootout, Gabe pursues Bitar's elevator and, upon slowing it down by destroying its hydraulics, is told by Shen that the device taken by Bitar is sabotaged, allowing Gabe to shoot it and kill Bitar without causing an massive explosion.

As they reach the top of the dam, Gabe watches Shen and Lian making amends before Trinidad appears, trying to take Shen back to China and causing a standoff. However, to the shock of everyone, Shen pulls out his own handgun and, intent on preventing anyone from misusing his inventions, commits suicide by shooting himself, much to Lian's horror while Trinidad walks off, concluding that with Shen dead, her job is finished.

Later, as they return to IPCA's hidden headquarters in Langley, Gabe and Lian discover Mujari dead and Teresa severely wounded with the culprit being revealed to be Trinidad. Acting fast, Gabe shoots and kills her but is shot several times himself. Horrified, Lian rushes to Gabe's side and desperately tries to administer CPR in order to revive him.

And with that, Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and entire Syphon Filter series, is finished on the channel, dear gamers. Next up, we'll return to the world of PC games as i take you to the journey in the world of the alternate 1960s in Wolfenstein: The New Order so stay tuned and remember to send me suggestions which i'll do my best to play through for your enjoyment.

Sincerely Yours, TGC.


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