Guiding Light September 18 2009, The Full Final Episode

Описание к видео Guiding Light September 18 2009, The Full Final Episode

Recap from

Friday, September 18, 2009

­Frank and Blake are surprised and pleased to discover they were talking to each other through the dating website. Natalia wants to make sure that Frank knows how important he is in their baby's life. Olivia and Natalia inform Frank that they want to name the baby Francesca after him. Daisy announces that she's going to Berkeley. James admits to Daisy that he'll miss her. Doris gets Ashley into a writing school near Daisy. Later on, Ashlee and Daisy leave for California. Maureen sets Matt up with her teacher. Doris marries Remy and Christina again. After the wedding, Remy and Christina announce that their having a baby. Billy gives Jonathan a job at Company. Lizzie thinks it's a bad idea for Alex to leave the country with Fletcher but Alex is excited about the next chapter in her life. Mindy surprises Bill by announcing that she's moving home. Marina thanks Mallet for sending a wedding present to Buzz. Later, Marina gets Shayne a job as assistant coach for the high school. Shayne finally feels like his life is coming together. Josh reveals to Reva that he's moving but admits that he will always love her. Reva says she loves him but isn't ready to be involved with him. Josh gives her a proposition. In a year from this day, Josh will come back to Springfield. If Reva is ready to start over with Josh, he will be at the lighthouse waiting for her.

ONE YEAR LATER The town gathers to cheer on Shayne's baseball game. Billy wants Jonathan to be foreman on the elementary school project. Lizzie and Bill prepare for their new baby. Christina arrives at the game with her baby Clayton. Rafe returns home from the Army. Natalia introduces Rafe to his little sister. The group toasts to Rick and Mindy on their wedding day. James visits Ashlee and Daisy in California. Mallet and Dinah stand in a church together in Europe. Reva decides that she has found herself and makes her way to the lighthouse. Josh is at the lighthouse waiting for her. Josh takes Reva and Colin away to start their new adventures together.


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