Mobile Network Training For Field Engineer

Описание к видео Mobile Network Training For Field Engineer

محتوى الكورس
Important Telecom Information
Explain for Mobile Networks and Its Components (2G, 3G and 4G).
Brief for the History of the Evolution of Mobile Standards.
Transmission Methods between Sites and Core.
Mobile Network Companies and Difference between it.
What is the Factors Control the Process to Install New Sites?
Explain the Installation for New Site from Zero to be On Air.
Brief About Site Main Components and Overview.
Explain Site Topologies (Green Field and Roof Top).
Explain Site Nodal Degree Mean.
Explain Site Categories (Macro, Micro and Nano).
Explain How to Access Sites.
Brief for Some Other Items at Tower (Steps, Safety Wires, Cables and Antennas).
Explain the Site Types and Different Between it (Shelter and Outdoor).
👉 AC Power Scope
Explain the Power Sources for Telecom Sites.
Explain the Power Protection Types and when it used.
Explain the Portable Generator and its Usage at Telecom Sites.
Explain the PDB Components.
Explain the PDB Main Maintenance Points.
👉 DC Power Scope
Explain the Rectifier Components.
Explain How to Calculate the Number of PSUs According to Load.
Explain the LLVD and BLVD.
Explain and Troubleshooting the Rectifier Alarms.
Explain the Backup Batteries Parameters.
Explain How to Calculate the Batteries Strings Needed According to Loads.
Explain the Battery Discharge Test and How to Perform it.
Simulation for Different Types of Batteries Connection.
Explain the DC Box Connection.
Explain the Grounding System, How to Connect it in the Site and How to Use the Earth Tester.
👉 RF Wireless - Radio Scope
Explain the Difference and Frequency Bands of the Mobile Generations.
Explain the Signs Beside the Mobile Networks at the Mobile Phones.
Brief About Differences at BTS, DBS and AAU Connections.
Explain the Antenna Parameters.
Explain How to Choose the Sector Antenna According to Traffic.
Explain the Main Ports of Baseband Units.
Explain in Details the Main Components of the BTS System.
Explain the BTS Connection.
Explain in Details the Main Components of DBS System.
Explain the DBS Connection.
Explain the MHA or TMA and its Usage.
Explain the GPS Antenna and its Usage.
Explain the Multi-Sector Antenna and the Sharing Antenna.
Explain and Troubleshooting the Radio Alarms.
Explain and Troubleshooting the Environmental Alarms, and How to connect it to reach to NOC.
👉 Microwave Transmission
Brief about Transmission Methods.
Brief About Microwaves and Main Traditional Components.
Explain in Details the Indoor Unit Components.
Explain in Details the Microwave Dish.
Explain in Details the RAU (Radio Access Unit).
Explain Ports of RAU, How to Connect 2 RAUs with 1 Dish Antenna, Polarization and How Can Adjust it.
Explain How to Calculate the RSL (Received Signal Level).
Explain in Details the IF Cable and How to Seal it and Check it.
Explain the Methods to Connect Between Radio and Microwave.
Explain How to Connect Between 2 Sites via Microwave Transmission.
Compare Between Long Haul and Short Haul Microwave Link.
Explain How to Connect Site Directly with Fiber Transmission.
Give Brief About ADM and STM.
Compare Between Microwave and Fiber Transmission.
Explain in Details the Microwave Protection Types, and when it Can be Used.
Explain the XPIC Microwave Type and How to Perform the Test.
Explain in Details the Most Common Microwave Alarms and How to Clear it.
Explain the Alarms Log and How to Read it.
Explain Loops Types for Troubleshooting.
Explain the E-band Microwave and its Components & Connection.
Explain in Details the Microwave Planning Parameters and How to Read the SF6 Planning Data.
Discuss the Available Jobs for Microwave Transmission.
Complete Simulation for Indoor Unit Installation, Outdoor Unit Installation, Alignment and Software Configuration for the Link.
👉 Telecom Important Knowledge
The Teams Organization at the Companies.
Explain if the Telecom Sites Affected the Humans or Not.
Explain the Health and Safety Parameters and its Importance.
Explain the Most Famous Jobs at Each Telecom Track.
Power Point in Arabic to Explain the Air Conditions Basics.
Videos from Real Telecom Sites.
👉 Explain Radio and Transmission Equipment for Vendors
Explain Radio for Huawei and Ericsson.
Explain Transmission for Huawei and Ericsson (RTN, Traffic Node and Mini-Link).
👉 Installation Simulation
Simulation for Rectifier and Batteries Installation.
Simulation for Radio Installation (BTS and DBS).
Simulation for Microwave Transmission Installation and Transmission Installation Steps.


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