A Pathway No One Knew was There 🚧 Kingdom Marriage, Godly Purpose, Destiny in the Lord

Описание к видео A Pathway No One Knew was There 🚧 Kingdom Marriage, Godly Purpose, Destiny in the Lord

This is how you'll reach your kingdom marriage, godly purpose, and destiny in the Lord.

For things of this world, there is a clear path to take to find them. For things of God, God is the path.
God gives us vision of where we’re going but doesn’t always show us exactly the way to get there because HE IS THE PATH.
The path He leads us on may be unfamiliar, unknown to us, and one we haven’t even seen before, which requires dependence on Him.
God is releasing treasures in the deep to us. Opening up roads that haven’t been seen or known. This often involves some degree of mystery and tolerance of that mystery (until the way is made clear).
We, in the body of Christ, will be doing things in a way they haven’t been done before by us or others.

Prayer: Lead us on the path you have for our lives, God. May we find treasures in the deep as we seek the One alone who understands the way to wisdom and knows where it can be found. In seeking You, may we find the path to success in our careers, ministry, purpose and marriage. May we discover great treasures and fulfill our life’s purpose and walk the path you have laid out for us as we continue to seek you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

"Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters— a pathway no one knew was there!" - Psalm 77:19 (NLT)

“People know where to mine silver
and how to refine gold...
But do people know where to find wisdom?
Where can they find understanding?
It is hidden from the eyes of all humanity...
God alone understands the way to wisdom;
he knows where it can be found,...
And this is what he says to all humanity:
‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
to forsake evil is real understanding.’”
-Job 28:1, 20-21, 23, 28

Thank you and God bless you!!!





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