Ultimate Boost Pedal EQ Guide - Nano Attack, HM-2, GRIND, Tube Screamer, & More!

Описание к видео Ultimate Boost Pedal EQ Guide - Nano Attack, HM-2, GRIND, Tube Screamer, & More!

Today in Plague Scythe Studios, we uncover the methods behind the madness of guitar overdrive and boost pedals, and show how to replicate them with your own gear and software!

Ceriatone Gargoyle: http://www.ceriatone.com/hot-rodded-p...

Subscribe:    / plaguescythestudios  

Listen to Siderum: https://siderum.bandcamp.com/releases

EQ Profile Graphs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16De...


00:00 - Intro

01:44 - Pre-EQ Explained

03:54 - Pedals Introduced

04:34 - Credits and Contributions

06:24 - Tube Screamer & SD-1 Analysis

09:54 - Tube Screamer EQ Re-Amp Demo

10:43 - OD 820 Analysis

13:05 - Nano Attack Analysis

16:36 - Nano Attack EQ Re-Amp Demo

16:59 - TC Electronic Integrated Preamp Analysis

24:15 - Integrated Preamp / GRIND EQ Re-Amp Demo

24:52 - Boss GE-7 Analysis

28:43 - Boss HM-2 Analysis

31:11 - Boss HM-2 Re-Amp Demo

31:56 - TC Electronic Spark Analysis

35:38 - Conclusion & Re: Pedal Companies


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