Master Angular 7 in 10 hours | Angular 7 Tutorials | Angular 7 Full Course | Great Learning

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Watch this 10-hour long tutorial on Angular 7! Angular7 is one of the most famous front-end development frameworks. It is a web and app development platform and is a lot easier to use as compared to when HTML is used as a framework. Angular 7 is a web development framework by Google and enables people to create Single Page Applications. The components of Angular 7 are very much structured like a tree. It is considered to be a robust, productive and a high performing web development framework.

Great Learning brings you this 10-hour long tutorial on Angular for beginners to take you from the starting point through the finishing point of everything you need to know about Angular and getting started on the journey to master it. This video starts by guiding you with understanding the prerequisites for Angular, followed by looking at an overview of the same. Following this, we will look into the features of Angular, and then MVC Architecture. Finally, we look at a comparison between Angular to AngularJS, followed by looking at a variety of concepts of Angular JS including its components, modules, decorators, pipes, and so on. This video teaches Angular7 and its key functions and concepts by carrying out simultaneous demonstrations and examples to help you get started on the right foot.

🏁 Topics Covered:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:48 Agenda
00:06:53 Prerequisites
00:24:20 What are SPA's
00:30:08 Introduction to AngularJS
00:34:42 Features of AngularJS
00:38:57 MVC Architecture
00:43:38 Versions and Transitions
00:49:01 Environmental Setup
00:56:47 Angular JS IDE's
00:59:25 Introduction to Visual studio code
01:01:53 Angular app fundamentals
01:21:24 Simple AngularJS App
01:34:09 Companies using Angular JS
01:35:38 Advantages of Angular JS
01:37:59 Angular JS to Angular 7
01:48:00 Typescript
02:06:44 Angular7 Components
02:48:14 Angular7 Modules
03:08:54 Angular7 Decorators
03:45:30 Angular7 Directives
05:34:27 Angular7 Data Binding
06:05:12 Angular7 Pipes
06:49:26 Angular7 Routing
07:27:03 Angular7 Forms
07:45:06 Angular7 New Features
09:25:39 Summary

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