IBM WebSphere MQ Windows installation, MQ Explorer, MQ Objects (Local Queue, Remote Queue)

Описание к видео IBM WebSphere MQ Windows installation, MQ Explorer, MQ Objects (Local Queue, Remote Queue)

IBM WebSphere MQ Download URL:

Intercommunication in WebSphere MQ

resources required on both the side...
Queue manager QM1 on Windows Side

on windows

1. Remote Queue - it is a definition of Local queue which belongs to the Remote QMGR
2. Transmission Queue - is a normal local queue, with usage property set to XMIT this Transmission queue is responsible for data transfer between one QMGR to another QMGR
3. Sender Channel - it is MCA and it is Unidirectional, responsible for transporting messages from one ENV to another ENV
4. Channel initiation Queue - when messages comes in initiation queue, looks for the MCA to started

1. Local Queue - is a normal local queue, with usage property set to Normal
2. Receiver Channel - it is MCA and it is Unidirectional, responsible for Receiving messages from the sender channel
3. Listener - which receives information through network, listener listens to the request coming in and sends the information to receiver channel

Note: Sender Channel Name & Receiver Channel Name should be same


Информация по комментариям в разработке